What items are prohibited on my wishlist?

In order to use WishMeFirst successfully and avoid account termination by our payment processor, please pay attention to the current guidelines for wishlist items.


Items that are neither gifts nor tips:

  • Selling any services or goods on your wishlist is prohibited.
  • Gift item names or descriptions that promise a good or service in exchange for the gift are prohibited.
  • Wishlist item names that don’t make sense in a sentence about gifting or tipping are not allowed.

Items should fit into a sentence about gifting or tipping, such as:

“Mark bought a ____ for Dash.”

βœ… Good Item Names:

  • Rent: Mark paid for Dash’s rent.
  • Funds for self-care: Mark funded Dash’s self-care.
  • Nike: Mark bought Nikes for Dash.
  • Treat me to a spa day because I deserve it: Mark treated Dash to a spa day because she deserved it.
  • $200 tip: Mark tipped Dash $200.
  • Initial tip: Mark tipped Dash an initial tip.

❌ Bad Item Names:

  • Worship: Mark paid for Dash’s worship. Unclear how this is a gift.
  • Debt Contract: Mark bought a debt contract for Dash. Unclear how this is a gift.
  • πŸ’¦πŸ’¦πŸ’¦: Mark funded πŸ’¦πŸ’¦πŸ’¦ it for Dash. Unclear how this is a gift.
  • Fee or Tax: This implies a service exchange. Please use “tip” instead.Β 

Demeaning words

Demeaning words like “loser” are not allowed in gift titles.

Adult words

Adult words like “cuck” are not allowed in gift titles. Please keep wishlist names vanilla.

References to outside payment methods

Do not include outside payment methods in wishlist items such as Amazon wishlist link, bitcoin QR code, or cashapp handle. There may be appropriate places on WishMeFirst to link to these in the future, but the wishlist item names and profile section are not to be used in this way.

Nudity Or Implied Nudity:

  • Gifts, or profile images, that have nudity or implied nudity in the image are prohibited.
  • Implied nudity means a naked person without nipples or genitalia exposed in the photograph. For example, a naked person whose genitals are covered by pixels or emojis is not allowed.
  • Wearing lingerie, a robe, or a towel is allowed.
  • No bodily fluids should be visible.

Graphic Items

Items that depict graphic, lewd nudity.

Prohibited Items and Words:

  • Weed/drug related funds: Can I list “herbs”? Yes.
  • Weapons: Can I list “Cosplay funds” or “Funds for military antiques collection”? Yes.
  • Items with the word β€œtax”, β€œfee”, “session”, “deposit”, “game”, “unblock”: Why not? These imply a service might be exchanged. In certain contexts these words are ok, like “video games”
  • Alcohol: You can list “drinks” or “cocktail” or “buy a round”
  • Nicotine: Can I list “smokes”? Yes.
  • Life Like Sex Toys: No life-like sex toys can be listed
  • Item titles with graphic words are not allowed

WishMeFirst Cares

At WishMeFirst, our aim is to empower every user, fostering confidence in utilizing our platform, regardless of their external interests or professions. To achieve this, we strive to offer precise guidance on successful platform use, keeping fees low for all and maintaining good standing with our current payment processor. While some of our rules may be more stringent than those of our payment processor to proactively address potential issues, our ultimate focus is on serving the community. We value your feedback; please inform us if you find any rules less than ideal so that we can work towards improving WishMeFirst.

Global Wishlist For Public Personalities.

WishMeFirst is your global one-stop wishlist for all your needs and desires specially designed for influencers, content creators and public personalities. Let WishMeFirst make your life easy and more profitable for you. Create a free wishlist, add as many items, online wishes, and custom cash gifts as you like, and have them funded by your fans.

All-in-One Wishlist

Add as many items, online wishes, and custom cash gifts for college, shopping, travel, and more.

Privacy And Anonymity

Embrace privacy and anonymity, where your address, real name, and payment information are never visible to your gifter.

Control Orders

Take control of your orders: choose when to place them, add to existing orders, or simply keep the cash.


WishMeFirst is designed to help you grow regardless of the type of content you create.

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